Human Improvement: How to aid in improving the human race
EUGENICS: How to aid in improving the human race for human improvement.
“The creation of a thousand forest in one acorn, andEgypt, Rome, Gaul, Britain, America Lie folded already in the first man” – Emerson
Benefits that may result from wise actions in human improvement
- LESS INSANITY: Through sponsored measures that prevent parenthood of individuals with known hereditary handicaps, like, idiocy and feeblemindedness, we can reduce the number of births of seriously affected children.
- HEALTHY CHILDREN: A sound body with well developed brains and nervous system is essential to the development of high intellectual capacities.
- LESS CRIIvlE: Family records of distinguished men and unfortunate criminals have clearly shown that mental ability, moral strength, and weaknesses are subject to heredity as much as physical traits.
DIRECTIONS for human improvement
Some valuable suggestions on how to improve human life.
FRIENDS: How to select and associate with desirable acquaintances
- Pick friends who have something valuable to offer.
- Seek people with a wholesome outlook on life.
- Associate with people who have likable qualities.
- Acquire friends with interests and desires similar to your own.
How to help control narcotic and alcoholic for improving human race
- Serve non-habit forming drinks at parties.
- Point out to others the harm they do to the human body.
- Refrain from aiding others in establishing the habit.
- Kill plants that produce narcotic drugs.
- Curb habits in early stage.
- Help obtain hospitalization and mental rehabilitation of those suffering from dipsomania.
- Help to keep weak-willed people away from temptation.
Prepare yourself for wholesome parenthood for the human improvement
- Keep your body free of venereal disease.
- Acquire a sound moral philosophy.
- Develop a fondness for children.
- Establish a firm spiritual foundation within yourself.
- Cultivate a feeling of responsibility toward others and a habit of sharing experiences.
- Become capable of being a good provider.
How to select a desirable life mate
Choose a mate with traits listed above as being desirable in friends for human improvement. In addition, make certain that there are not races of insanity, feeble-mindedness, or other undesirable hereditary traits and characteristics in the family history of your prospective mate. Seek one with good physical and mental health. Seek one with dominant traits that appeal to you. Preferably choose a mate with background and tastes similar to yours so that you can contribute to human improvement.
REPRODUCTION: How to raise healthy children to contribute to human improvement
- Provide them with a sound hereditary foundation.
- Keep them in good health so that the genes can do their controlling work well.
- Provide a favorable environment that helps heredity to develop sound bodies and minds.
- Give them adequate guidance for physical and mental well-being.
Preparatory work that may help you to become a contributing factor in the human improvement.
- INDIVIDUAL WORK: Trace some definite hereditary trait in your family to determine how it has been “handed” Show on a chart whether or not this trait is determined by a special gene.
- COMMITTEE WORK: Form a committee and study your community to find ways for developing the best traits in the people and for promoting the creation of finer future generations. Report to class on findings and conclusions.
- CLASS PROJECT: Raise drosophila flies and keep detailed and accurate records of your procedure, observations, and results of a definite trait studied.
- HOME PROJECT: Cross fertilize flowers of different colors and keep a close record of results.Report to class on your findings and conclusions.