How to develop a sound mind


How to develop a sound mind starts with a beautiful quotes:

“The world is so full of a number of things, I ‘m sure we should all be as happy as kings” – Robert Louis Stevenson

MOTIVATION to develop sound mind

Benefits that you may receive as a result of sound mental health.

  • BETTER SLEEP: With your mind in good health you are better able to rest and relax., and build up greater reserves of energy.
  • SCHOLARSHIP: Your success in school depends for the most part upon how you are able to adapt yourself and respond mentally to learning situations.
  • MORE ENJOYMENT: Life is more worth living when you keep your mind free of mental anxiety and worry.
  • ATTRACTIVE APPEARANCE: There is a close relationship between your physical and mental well-being that is revealed to others in your· actions and appearance.

how to develop sound mind

DIRECTIONS on how to keep sound mind

few timely tips on how to develop your mental well-being.


How to prevent excessive,worry, while developing a sound mind.

  1. Cease worrying about problems over which you have no controol.
  2. Avoid the brooding traits of the pessimist.
  3. Work toward what you want rather than wish for it.
  4. Help other people with their problem’s. (It helps you to forget your own.)
  5. Trust in a supreme being (God) for the solution of difficult spiritual problems.

how to develop


How to control your emotions to keep your mind.

  1. Curb undesirable emotions by concentrating on your good ones.
  2. Root out fears by seeking their cause and facing them.
  3. Relax and lessen tension by heavy breathing and change of activity.
  4. Seek not to satisfy all of your urges and wants.
  5. Release repressed mental states by controlling your direction of attention.

HAPPINESS helps you develop sound mind

How to enjoy living to develop a sound mind.

  • Consider the problems you encounter as stepping stones for your growth and development.
  • Manage to procure a variety of activities each day.
  • Crowd out unpleasant thoughts and worry with some other absorbing or pleasurable activity.
  • Develop a sense of security.
  • Make other people happy.

how to keep


How to develop a sound mind while keeping budget of your time wisely.

  1. Organize essential daily activities and take them up one at a time.
  2. Allot a given amount of time for each task, and channel your concentration on it alone.
  3. Provide periods during each day for rest and relaxation.
  4. Avoid over-concentration on one thing.

USEFUL LEISURE to develop a sound mind

How to develop profitable science hobbies.

  1. Keep scrapbooks on interesting plants and ani­mals.
  2. Collect specimens of harmful insects.
  3. Observe and record the variety of plants on outdoor trips.
  4. Seek to improve plants through breeding.
  5. Start a memory book for recording interesting facts.
  6. Build and balance an aquarium.
  7. Keep scrapbooks of newspaper and magazine clippings on the latest developments in medicine, etc.


Work to do to help you improve the state of your mental health and to develop and to keep sound mind.

  1. SELF ANALYSIS: Make a list of the things that have bothered you the most during a period of one week. Seek to determine the cause of each
    unpleasantness. Explain to the class how they could have been avoided.
  2. CLASSMATE ANALYSIS: Select one of your classmates for observational study. List desirable features, habits, traits, and other features that contribute toward good mental health. Compare your findings in this study with those of your own.
  3. COMPARATIVE STUDY: Select two students in your class, one being extremely popular while the other seems to have very few friends. Seek to determine the reason.
