Grow Lawn

How to grow lawn AND maintain lawn is an important question being asked to most of us. This article will help you grow an ATTRACTIVE LAWN.

grow lawn

Motivation to grow lawn

Values that may well be yours in becoming a successful lawn grower.

  1. AN ATTRACTIVE HOME needs to have an attractive lawn. A well kept., well developed lawn is a “must” for a home of style.
  2. LESS DIRT AND DUST. You can keep your clothes and the floors and windows of your home cleaner with less effort.
  3. HIGHER SALES VALUE. Beautiful lawns significantly improve the exterior appearance of your home, which affects its desirability and cash sales value.
  4. PROFITABLE EXERCISE. The activities needed in producing and caring for your lawn will provide valuable outdoor exercise.
  5. JOYFUL FEELING. The contentment and satisfaction that come from watching things grow cannot be expressed in words.

beautiful house

Directions for growing and maintaining an attractive lawn

Helpful suggestions for growing and caring for your lawn. It is important that you grow lawn and maintain lawn by making it an attractive lawn.

PREPARATION for growing lawn

How to prepare the soil for sowing to grow lawn.

  1. Rake off all rubbish, roots, rocks, and cans, etc.
  2. Spade soil deeply, turning over sod in order to bury topsoil and turf.
  3. Dig out all rocks and clods.
  4. Pulverize soil by going over it with a rake.
  5. Smooth soil to fill in all holes and valleys.
  6. Avoid working soil if it sticks together when you squeeze some in your hands to maintain lawn.

ENRICHMENT to maintain lawn

How to add proper fertilizers to maintain and grow attractive lawn.

  1. Analyze your soil and determine what basic elements are needed.
  2. Add lime sparingly if the soil has a tendency to bake.
  3. Work into soil well rotted manure and compost materials to form humus.
  4. Supply nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, ash, and any other vital elements needed by adding connnercial fertilizers.
  5. Soak ground thoroughly after applying manure.

SELECTION of seeds

How to buy good seeds to grow an attractive lawn with green grass in it.

  • Purchase tested seeds from reliable merchants.
  • Read the contents of the mixture carefully so as to secure proper mixtures for the best results.
  • Guard against buying cheap seeds that contain weeds.
  • Test some of your seeds for germination before sowing.

SEEDS OF LIFE: How to sow your lawn.

a. Mix seeds with dirt or fertilizer to aid in sowing evenly.
b. Broadcast the seeds with hand or sieve.
c. Guard against overlapping and skipping spaces.
d. Press seeds in ground by rolling lawn.
e. Sprinkle on a light covering of rich humus and fertilizer.
f. Wet the soil thoroughly with a very fine spray of water.


PROTECTION of your lawn

How to guard the lawn for early growth of green grass.

  1. Stretch wire or strings around sections sown and tie white strings to them.
  2. Use fine spray to prevent washing out plants when watering.
  3. Provide another play area·for the children until the grass gets a good start.


How to water your lawn effectively to turn it into attractive lawn.

  1. In a dry climate, give the soil at least one long soak each week.
  2. If weather is unusually hot, water during late evening.
  3. If bugs and insects are bad, water during early morning.
  4. Use a fine spray for steady penetration effects.

How UPKEEP your lawn

To keep your lawn trim and neat to make it an attractive lawn.

  1. Cut grass at high level for the first few times.
  2. Use a criss-cross cut for effective results on later mowings.
  3. Guard against gophers and moles through proper precautions and preventive measures.
  4. Use clippings for shrubbery mulch and compost materials.
  5. Trim edges with an edger for neat appearance.

upkeep lawn

EQUIPMENT to grow lawn and maintain lawn into attractive lawn

How to take proper care of your tools to grow lawn and maintain lawn.

  1. Oil lawn mowers and other mechanical tools frequently.
  2. Keep tools in a dry place to prevent rust.
  3. Roll the hose carefully to prevent breaking.
  4. Provide hangers and space for all tools and keep them there in order.
  5. Oil tools with kerosene or other protective agents when not in use for long periods.
    equipment for lawnread more articel here
