How to grow tree

The question “How and why to grow tree” lines in understanding the quote by Henry Van Dyke.

“He who planted a tree is a servant of God. He provided kindness for many generations. And faces that he hath not seen shall bless him.” – Henry Van Dyke

grow tree

MOTIVATION to grow tree

Benefits that may be yours as a result of wise planting and care of your evergreen and deciduous plants.

  1. PLEASANT SHADE: At times it’s a great relief to have a spot to retreat to from the beaming sun.
  2. FRESH FRUIT: If you have the space, you can very easily grow fruit trees in your back
  3. DISTINCT BORDERS: Hedges and other forms of shrubbery provide unique borders for your yard and garden.
  4. ADDED ATTRACTION: Bare spots and unsightly ground features can be improved in looks by growing trees and shrubs.
  5. IMPROVED ATMOSPHERE: Trees add moisture to the air to make it more pleasant and healthy.

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DIRECTIONS to grow tree

Valuable suggestions for help in growing trees.


How to place trees and shrubs for best aesthetic

    1. Provide proper space for full development of
    2. Guard against destroying the pleasing lines and design of your
    3. Place plants to fit definite height
    4. Place tallest shrubs at corners of
    5. Avoid hiding windows, doorways, and other house features that are better left

SELECTION of plant

How to procure healthy plants suitable for your growing tree.

    1. Select plants that harmonize well with your
    2. Pick plants that have rich color and signs of vigorous growth.
    3. Make certain that plants have plenty of
    4. Choose plants with high disease-resistant
    5. Use trees as basic background for shade, for screening private areas, and for natural
    6. Beautify corners and borders with


How to re-set trees and shrubs to grow tree.

    1. Place bare root trees and shrubs in water and soak for at least an hour before planting.
    2. Transplant trees with roots in original. This prevents drying out of vital root hairs.
    3. Mix peat moss in soil for fertilizer. if commercial fertilizer and fresh manure are harmful to bare root stock.
    4. Dig a hole large enough to spread roots comfortably and allow for future.
    5. Water plants regularly and prune plants back to reduce food and water.
    6. Guard against placing the bud union below ground.

PROTECTION of grown tree

How to shield your plants for early growth to grow tree.

  1. Provide stake supports for tall.
  2. Build wire fences around plants to prevent damage by children.
  3. Tie burlap around base of trunk of tree.
  4. Mulch plants with coarse manure, and straw for added protection during winter.
  5. Anchor tall trees with guy


How to grow tree by grafting.

    1. Select stock and scion of closely related species.
    2. Place cambium layers of two parts in close contact with each other.
    3. Use bridge grafting to repair damage to main trunk by rodents.
    4. Tie or bind the bud or branch securely in slot of stock.
    5. Seal edges with sealing wax to aid in healing process.

GUIDANCE to grow tree

How to train plants to grow the way you want them to.

  1. Prune hedges and trees for the shape and form desired.
  2. Cut out undesirable limbs.
  3. Support limbs with wires for growth in desired direction.
  4. Provide permanent supports for top-heavy evergreens with metal rod.

PEST CONTROL for trees

How to protect your trees and shrubs from fungus and insects.

  1. Spray and dust your foliage with a stomach poison to eliminate the biting and sucking types of insects. It includes caterpillars, slugs, beetles, grasshoppers, and other warm climate insects of this common type.
  2. Coat the bodies of sucking insects with contact insecticide to smother them. It includes aphids, thrips, and scale insects are common examples of this types of insects. The possible killing includes use of nicotine sulphate, lime sulphate, oil sprays, pyrethrum, and rotenone compounds are effective contact.
  3. Spray and dust with fungicides to prevent bacterial and fungus diseases like mildew, black spot, rot, and blight-forming. Effective fungicides include copper and sulphur compounds, bordeaux mixture.
  4. Cut out dead limbs and burn.
  5. Disinfect tools with mercuric chloride solution after using on diseased trees.
  6. Keep refuse and rubbish away while growing tree.

ACTIVITY ASSIGNMENTS to grow the Perfect Tree

Projects for you to do in becoming a successful grower of trees.

  1. SCHQOL WORK: Select, plant, and properly care for some trees and shrubs on your school.
  2. HOME WORK: Beautify your house grounds with properly spaced, suitable woody.
  3. LANDSCAPE PLANS: Make plans for landscaping a typical home with proper kinds of plants, logically arranged for a pleasing effect.
