How to develop and maintain a body

To start discussion on “How to develop and maintain a sound body”, we need to read what Edwin Markham said about body.

“We are all blind until we see That in the human plan Nothing is worth the making if It does not make the man. “Why build these cities glorious, If man unbuilded go? In vain we build the world, unless The builder also grows.”

A. MOTIVATION to develop and maintain a sound body

Rewards that will be yours by mastering the technique of healthy living.

  1. GLOWING PERSONALITY: Good health is essential in developing and maintaining a friend-winning person­ ality.
  2. ABUNDANT ENERGY: A healthy body radiates ·with excessive energy.
  3. LESS SICKNESS: Your chances of remaining well and strong will be greatly improved by wise actions in health measures.
  4. MORE MONEY: One is able to overcome more diffi­culties and advance faster in competitive business with the vim and vigor that go with good health.
  5. LONGER LIFE: The way you live greatly influences the span of your life on this earth among living things.

How to develop and maintain a sound body

B. DIRECTIONS on how to develop and maintain a sound body

Some helpful hints to aid you in caring for and developing your physical body. Follow the follwing steps to maintin a ssound body.


How to arise feeling fresh each morning?

  1. Sleep in a room adequately ventilated.
  2. Relax fully and avoid tenseness and rigidness while sleeping.
  3. Cast aside your troubles while sleeping.
  4. Arise as soon as you awake.
  5. Avoid eating a heavy meal Just before retiring.

How to arise feeling fresh each morning


How to keep your muscles in proper tone?

  1. Secure outdoor exercise every day.
  2. Participate in social games for over-all development.
  3. Utilize calisthenics for development of weak body parts.
  4. Practice breathing deeply in all activities.
  5. Take a hot bath at least once a day and rub briskly with a coarse towel.

How to keep your muscles in proper tone

Step 3 – FOODS to develop and maintain a sound body

How to eat a balanced diet?

  1. Eat foods that you need rather than what you like.
  2. Provide foods for body growth and repair.
  3. Consume foods to provide energy and vitality.
  4. Make certain that your daily meals contain the “seven basic foods.”
  5. Procure meals that contain the needed vitamins and minerals.
  6. Guard against eating between meals.

How to eat a balanced diet


How to keep regular in the elimination of body wastes lies in REGULARITY.

  1. Drink at least seven glasses of water daily.
  2. Eat proper foods. (Green leafy foods, prunes, balanced meals, etc.)
  3. Be regular in your eating, sleeping, working, and playing habits.
  4. Avoid excesses of all kinds.
  5. Provide a proper amount of bulky foods.
  6. Avoid harsh laxatives and cathartics.


How to help you keep your body free of harmful germs.

  1. Practice cleanliness in eating, drinking, etc.
  2. Administer proper first aid to any breaks in skin.
  3. Stay away rrom people with “catching diseases.”
  4. Keep _body in good condition for strong resist­ ance.
  5. Procure proper vaccinations and inoculations to develop immunity.

keep your body free of harmful germs


How to build a strong defense against the communicable diseases.

  1. Avoid overwork (both mental and physical).
  2. Keep body strong by outdoor activities and exercises.
  3. Procure essential rest and sleep.
  4. Eat wholesome food at regular hours.

Step 7 – STABILITY to develop and maintain a sound body

How to avoid the deficiency diseases.

  • Eat whole wheat bread and cereal grains con­ taining outer coat rich in vitamin Bin order to prevent beriberi.
  • Prevent scurvy by adequate intake of vitamin C or ascorbic acid.
  • Procure adequate amounts of vitamin D through diet or sunshine to avoid rickets.
  • Drink milk and other foods rich in vitamin G to prevent pellagra.
  • Build strong bones by procuring needed vitamin D from sun rays, etc.


How to become immune to communicable diseases.

  • Develop a strong healthy body.
  • Secure a vaccination of weak virus from infected calf for smallpox.


How to help keep the blood pressure within normal range.

  • Avoid the habit of overeating.
  • Keep close check on sinuses, tonsils, teeth, and kidneys which might give off toxins and poisons into the blood.
  • Live a moderate life.
  • Keep a close check on the condition of your heart.

How to keep the blood pressure within normal range


How to maintain proper body weight.

  1. Get a thorough physical examination to determine condition of vital organs.
  2. If you are overweight, do not eat rich, fattening foods (fats and carbohydrates).
  3. To gain weight, consume foods rich in starches and fats.
  4. Eat a good variety of the basic foods.
  5. Exercise those muscles that are quick to add excessive weight.

How to maintain proper body weight

Step 11 – CHOICE ACTION to develop and maintain a sound body

How to develop good health habits.

  • Keep mentally alert as to content and variety 0f foods eaten daily.
  • Plan your daily program to include some outdoor exercise.
  • Practice sitting, standing, and walking erect.
  • Strive to remain free of colds, sore throats, etc.
  • Seek regularity in all your actions.
  • Avoid eating when upset and tired.


How to buy proper drugs and medicines.

  • When ill, seek the professional advice of your physician before doctoring yourself.
  • Avoid quack doctors and patent medicines.
  • Analyze carefully the contents given on labels.
  • Guard against propaganda and unsound adver­ tisements.

How to buy drugs


How to make certain that you are healthy.

  1. Have regular physical examinations by competent physicians at least once a year.
  2. Check with dentist once a year for teeth and gum health.
  3. Secure chest X-ray of yourself for tuberculosis diagnosis.
