How to make yourself attractive to others

The question “How to make yourself attractive to others” can be solved with biological point of view. It is stated that:

“To be or not to be; that is the question.” Shakespeare

MOTIVATION to make yourself more attractive

Advantages you may receive by being able to protect, care for, and exhibit your person in a desirable

    1. POPULARITY: People seek to know you when your appearance is
    2. MORE FRIENDS: You can enlarge your circle of friends through clever
    3. GREATER RECOGNITION: Your colleagues will look to you with more respect and admiration.
    4. SELF CONFIDENCE: You will be amazed at how your physical appearance affects your mental feelings and
    5. MORE SUCCESS: Regardless of your attempted endeav­ors, if you “look sharp,” you will likely “feel sharp” and “do sharp.

make yourself more attractive


Some suggestions to help you become more pleasing to others

EPIDERMIS: How to keep your skin to make yourself attractive

  1. Clean it daily with appropriate soap and
  2. Avoid overexposure to sun, wind, and
  3. Eat proper
  4. Use safe cosmetics and beauty
  5. Guard against overanxiety and

INTELLECTUAL CENTER: How to maintain a healthy head for making yourself more attractive

Therefore, before making yourself attractive to other you need to maintain a healthy head. You can follow these steps for this:

Step 1

Wash the hair frequently with an approved shampoo.


Step 2

Massage the scalp at regular intervals.


Step 3

Use your own brush and comb.


Step 4

Keep comb cleaned and sterlized.


Step 5

Avoid wearing other people’s hats and caps.

hair dryer

SENSE ORGANS: How to keep healthy eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.

Keeping healthy eyes, nose, mouth, and ears makes you more attractive.

  • Guard eyes against undue strain and fatigue.
  • Have eyes examined by competent eye specialist at first sign or eye trouble.
  • Protect nose by safe, hygienic measures during a cold.
  • Curb harmful bacteria in mouth by proper care of teeth.
  • Treat ears as a very delicate.

How to keep healthy body

DECORATION: How to buy and use proper, reliable cosmetics and beauty

You need to make yourself attractive to others, therefore, you need to buy and use proper, reliable cosmetics and beauty. Therefore, before you buy these things you shoud see following things.

  1. Examine critically the labels of products for content.
  2. Seek to have product demonstrated before purchase.
  3. Acquaint yourself with the better named
  4. Use shades of makeup that blend with your complextion.
  5. Set off your attractive features and minimize the less attractive ones.

cosmetics to make yourself more attractive

ATTIRE: How to dress to make yourself attractive to others

You should to dress well to make yourself attractive to people around you. Then, you must follow these below mentioned guidlines:

    1. Select your clothes in colors and styles that add to your personality and stature.
    2. Seek to minimize your less desirable features.
    3. Properly harmonize colors and accessories.
    4. Wear clothes that are proper for climate and temperature.
    5. Guard against extremes in style and color.
    6. Alter your form of dress to suit the occasion at hand.

How to dress for making yourself attractive

DISTINCT CHARACTER: How to develop and maintain a desirable personality

Moreover, to make yourself more attractive to other individuals you need to develop and maintain a desirable personality. Therefore, you must follow these steps:

  1. Become optimistic in your thinking and action.
  2. Help other people around you with their problems.
  3. Praise the good you see in others regularly.
  4. Keep in good physical condition.
  5. Render little services and courtesies to others with a smile.

make yourself attractive

BODY FORM: How to develop and keep good body posture.

Heatlhy body makes you more attractive to other. In other words, to become more attractive you must develop and keep good body posture.

  1. Select chairs that allow your feet to rest comfortably on the floor.
  2. Practice taking deep breaths of air regularly.
  3. After that Eat and drink bone-building {Milk, meats, eggs.)
  4. Develop the muscles of your vertebral column through proper exercise.
  5. Then, Press your back against back of chair when sitting.

how to develop good body posture


  1. ACTIVITY ASSIGNMENT: Suggested tasks for you to perform in personal appearance
  2. SCHOOL WORK: Present yourself to your class each day for inspection and rating by your classmates and teacher on personal appearance features.
    1. HOME WORK: Improve the appearance of other family members in your
    2. COMMUNITY WORK: Help schoolmates and friends in your community to become more attractive individuals through proper dress, body care, and mental outlook on


To help you make yourself more attractive to other we developed a measuring devices to aid you in checking your actions on personal appearance. See the below exercise:

    1. TRUE-FALSE: Place an X in the correct space for true or false.
  1. ( )( ) You should read the labels closely before buying an unknown brand of cosmetics.
  2. ( )( ) It is unwise to attempt to cover your physical shortcomings in your
  3. ( )( ) It 1s considered proper dress to wear a green hat with a blue
  1. BEST ANSWER: Place the number of the best answer in the parentheses.
  • ( ) You can best win the friendship of your school­ mates by: (1) Never noticing them. (2) Crit­ icizing (3) Praising their good features and deeds. (4) Telling others of their bad habits.
  • ( ) To help you to maintain a good posture, you should render proper exercises to the muscles in your: (1) Stomach. (2) Legs. (3)    Ver- tebral column. (4) Chest.
