How to solve your own problem

How to solve your own problems according to biology. It is said that:

“God helps them that help themselves.” Benjamin Franklin

how to solve problem

A. MOTIVATION to solve your own problem

Benefits that will be yours by solving your problems in a scientific manner.

  1. EASIER WORK: The pain and drudgery that accompany sloppy work vanish.
  2. BETTER PAY GRADES: Your pay grades will be better as a result of a consistent attack on your problems of interest.
  3. MORE LEISURE TIME: Less time is required for your work when you proceed through your problems in a business-like manner.
  4. CLEARER MIND: The fog and haze that often cloud your thinking facilities are easily cleared away.

motivation to solve problem

B. DIRECTIONS to get rid of your problem

Timely pointers for a sound beginning in problem solving.

how to solve your own problem


How to recognize and clearly define your problems.

  • Read thoroughly the problems that are listed under the presentation section of each chapter.
  • Think through the problem as it relates to you in relation to what you already know about it or other similar ones.
  • Write out the problem in your own words for further clarification.


How to attack your problems success­ fully.

Step 1

Read carefully and analyze the statements listed beneath the problem to start you off on the quest for a sound conclusion.

Step 2

Formulate a tentative solution or what you think the answer will be in the light of what you already know from your past experience.

Step 3

Seek the solution of the problem using the best method at your disposal.

DATA Collection

How to gather information for the solution of your problems.

Step 1

Study the reference materials listed in the enrichment section of the chapter.

Step 2

Interview people who are authorities on problems similar to your own.

Step 3

View the sound films and film strips listed and write a brief summation of their contents as they concern your problem.

Step 4

Record all important findings as they develop from your expeilnentation on the problem.

Step 5

Perform the activities listed under Section C of each chapter and keep close records of results.

Make a PROJECT to get solution to your problem

How to check the soundness of your prob­able solution.

Step 1

Evaluate the soundness of your actions by test­ ing yourself with the sample test instruments.

Step 2

Compare the results of your findings with your first hypothesis.

Step 3

Check your findings with others working on similar problems.

VERIFICATION and Decision making for solving your problem

How to arrive at sound conclusions and results.

Step 1

Do not allow your personal feelings to influence your conclusions.

Step 2

Formulate careful generalizations from the facts found.

Step 3

Outline a better method of solving the problem in the light of your findings.


How to develop good work habits.

  • Always gain a clear view of your problem before beginning to solve it.
  • Start your investigation from what is already given or known.
  • Keep accurate records as work is done.
  • Make up your mind to complete work that you once begin.

C. ACTIVITY ASSIGNMENT for solving your own problems

Work to do to help you get a good start in this course.

  1. PROBLEM: Select and clearly define a biological problem that is of most interest to you. Show, in outline form, how it can best be solved.
  2. EVALUATION: A type of check-up that may be applied to your problem-solving method.
  3. TRUE-FALSE: Write an X in the correct space for true or false.
    T F
    a. ( )( ) You should think clearly on what your problem is before beginning to solve it.
    b. ( )( ) It is wise to guess at the answer of your problem before beginning to solve it.
    c. ( )( ) You should allow your personal feelings to color the final conclusions and generali­ zations in the solution of your problem.

solution to solve your problem
